Episode 2

Published on:

11th Apr 2023

How To Trust The Timing Of Your Life

Do you ever find yourself frustrated that your life is not going "according to plan"?! Most of us want to get married, buy a house, have a kid, make a certain amount of progress in our career, and so much more, by a certain age! You may have found out it doesn't always work out that way. In this episode Jillian starts by discussing big and small moments in her life when learning to trust the timing worked in her favor. In the second half she teaches you how trust the timing of your life so you don't spiral on things you can't control! You're not alone if you're struggling with this. Remember you are worthy of living the life you want and everything works out for you, trust it! 😉

Show artwork for The Twenties Dilemma

About the Podcast

The Twenties Dilemma
Helping you navigate your 20s
Jillian is a 31 year old sharing what she wish she knew in her 20s, to help you navigate yours! She'll be teaching you how to love yourself and build a life you love. Helping you go from spiraling in your 20s to thriving. Showing you you aren't alone in how you're feeling and helping you make positive moves forward! You are worthy of living a life you love!
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Jillian Bennett

Jillian Winterroth is a 31 year old who's twenties were an emotional rollercoaster! She would have high highs and low lows and it wasn't until she reached her later twenties that she did the work to truly love who she was and the life she was building. In 2021 she started a TikTok account dedicated to giving people in their 20s advice so they could stop spiraling (like she did) and start thriving! With over 500,000 followers she created Your Twenties Toolkit a digital download + private community helping twenty somethings love themselves and build a life they love!